Hi, I am Shujing Guo (郭淑婧) and I come from China. I am now a PhD student of Computer Science at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), advised by Prof. Yan Yan. Before that, I received my M.S in Software Engineering from Dalian University of Technology, China, and my B.S in Software Engineering from Henan University, China. My research interest lies in Machine Learning, Deep Learning; Multimodal Learning, Image Captioning; Human-AI interactions. For my CV, please refer CV. For my paper, please refer to Fusion Transformer for Image Captioning.
- I recently got a new technical skill » the interactive development of Unity 3D! And I independently completed a small demo (Small Ball Rolling Scoring). I am now an aggressive novice :)
- I was admitted to IIT as a PhD student, and this is my first semester in IIT.
- I am serving as the TA for CS 201-Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science (Java Programming).